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In Memory Of:

Murray Charters

"As a leading patient advocate for the Parkinson's disease (PD) community
over the past decade, Murray Charters has played a major, if understated, role in
several key initiatives that have thrust PD and PD research to the forefront."

Murray was an avid volunteer Internet researcher and tracker for the Parkinson Pipeline Project, a daily volunteer worldwide e-mail distributor of Parkinson's-related media articles, and co-creator of the Parkinson’s Resources on the WWWeb website dedicated to World Parkinson’s Awareness and FREE Easy Access to “Information” for All.  Murray participated in the Tasmar clinical trials at UBC. 

In recognition of his efforts, Murray received

  • 2004 First Annual Award for Outstanding Service to the Parkinson’s community at the PAN Forum in Washington, D.C. on March 30, 2004

  • 2004 Alan Bonander Humanitarian Award at the Parkinson’s Unity Walk on April 24, 2004, in New York City.

His motto is: “A’int Teamwork Truly Grand!”

Murray grew up in rural Saskatchewan and attended the University of Alberta, Edmonton in 1962. The son of a blacksmith farmer, Murray is a 40-year skilled tradesman, technician, supervisor, and technical instructor, with an extensive technical background, largely self-taught.

Diagnosed with PD in 1994, at age 49, he continued to work full time as an elevator/escalator mechanic in Vancouver. 

Murray passed away in June 2005. He will be greatly missed by us and by the entire Parkinson's disease community.

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